New Android devices will receive OS upgrades for at least 18 months

During the Google developer conference this week, Google announced that a group of Android manufatures will adopt guidelines for how quickly devices are update after a new platform release

The initiative by Google to have guidelines for how quickly devices are updated after a new platform release are embraced by all the major Android device manufactures and service providers. The founding partners are : Motorola, LG, HTC, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, T-Mobile, Verizon, Vodafone, AT&T and Sprint.
The first announcement from the the participating partners is that new devices will receive the latest Android platform upgrades for 18 months after the device is first released, as long as the hardware allows.
All the major manufactures has realized that continuous support to existing customers is an essential factor in succeeding in the mobile phone industry. And they have all been much better in releasing upgrades and application enhancement to older handsets.

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