Sony Ericsson results shows positive financial numbers but a decrease in shipped units

Sony Ericsson are moving focus over to Android devices and in the first quarter the average handset selling price has increased while number of shipped units has decreased with 23% compared to 2010

The Sony Ericsson Android portfolio is not for everyone. These smartphones are often more expensive than feature phones which is the main reason why the number of shipped phones has decreased in the first quarter compare to last year.
In first quarter 2011, the average selling price for a Sony Ericsson phone was 141 Euro. An increase from 134 Euro in Q1 2010. Historical selling prices are starting from 2007: 134, 121, 120, 134 and now 141 Euro. If we recall correctly, number of phone models in the 2009 Sony Ericsson portfolio was as high as 34 different models. The official online Sony Ericsson store are currently having 9 models in the portfoli whereas 7 are Android (mid- to high-end devices) and only two models are feature phones. According to Sony Ericsson, 60% of the total sales in Q1 2011 was Android devices.
8.1 million phones was sold in the first quarter 2011 which is a decrease of 23% year-on-year. Back in 2007 and 2008, Sony Ericsson shipped more than 20 million units per quarter. In 2010, number of shipped units was 10.5 million.
Sony Ericsson estimate that they have a market share of 5% in number of units sold and 3% in value and are expecting modest growth in global handset market for 2011.

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